On Friday night at "The Garrison" in Toronto a new verse in the song of this musical journey was written.
If you have been reading this posts and following this journey for any length of time, you will know that I am a singer songwriter from Hamilton who has been touring around with my good friend and drummer Geoff Laforet and playing songs from my acoustic EP "Every Time You Smile" http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/darinmartin
After sitting down with Gord Richards of Oak Recording Studiohttp://www.thesoundofoak.com/home.html in Toronto and doing one song, I was hooked with the new Rock direction and wanted to give it a shot.
I realize that those of you who really dig the chilled out acoustic stuff may not join us on this leg of the journey. Like my own mother for example. I myself was wondering if it made any sense to try this new direction. How can an artists who has been known for his acoustic story telling style, embark on this very different style and sound? But then I thought about one of my all-time fav artists "Neil Young" and thought, my 2 fav songs by Neil are "Harvest Moon and Alabama" which are 2 very different styles of music and both are Neil and both move my soul.
So with encouragement from Gord and Geoff, I thought "what the heck?" Why does an artist is who trying to reach a larger audience need to box themselves into one style or category? Dallas Green was another example I looked to.
For years, producers have been telling me that I write big Rock Anthems but play them acoustically. Them seem to think my voice would lend itself well to big guitars and catchy hooks. I have partly shied away from it for practical reasons. It is expensive to record in pro studios, it is really hard to find other musicians who will journey with you and then you have all of the ego and creative differences. But God has blessed me with some guys who really believe in me and my ability to write songs and want to get behind this whole Darin Martin Music thing.

My heart was pounding with excitement and my ears were ringing like mad.
But I must say, I enjoyed every minute of it. Seeing Geoff as happy as a pig in mud behind his kit, watching the Richard's brother's running all over the stage and sharing 5 brand new songs with the fine folks from Vox.
We are working very hard behind the scenes to get some key things going very soon and have hit a few road blocks, but are trusting that these doors will continue to open.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and follow us on this journey.
Look for updates and announcements coming out very soon on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Darin-Martin-Music/217569348255922 or at http://darinmartinmusic.com/Darin_Martin_Music/home.html