This is by no means a sales pitch. I simply wanted to share a few things with my friends incase you didn't already know about a few of these. Over the Holidays we had some friends over to watch a movie and we started talking about listening to music online. They had not heard about "Jango" which is free music online. It's cool because you can put in an artist or style you like and it will play that artist as well as others who have a similar vibe. I use it all the time when I am tired of my own music and want to hear a specific artist. I am working on getting my music up on Jango soon too.

Another cool resource is . Noisetrade is music that artist put up themselves to help generate a wider fan base. It helps them by the great exposure to literally everyone who has access to the internet. The idea is, if I posted my music up there for free (for a limited time) you my download it for free or for a tip, then you might go back and by my past album or hopefully keep tracking with my music and buy future records.
I have gotten a ton of great music from this site and been introduced to so many great artists that I may have never heard about. All you need to do is subscribe to their email list and they send you regular emails about artists who have posted their music. There is no catch with this one. I have gotten a bunch of music and not paid for it, but because I am also looking to get my songs on Noisetrade, I know how it works from the artists' perspective and the tremendous benefit it has for us as well.
I just got this record by Ari Hest whom I had never heard of and am listening to it even as I type.
Thanks for following and your tremendous support.
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