Friday Nov 4th 2011
This past weekend was super sweet. On Friday at around noon I left my house and went to jam with Geoff before meeting up with some friends and heading up to the House Show in Baden.
Our drive up was perfect! Coffee in hand, great company on the ride and a beautiful Fall evening with the sun fading slowly behind the rolling farm hills.
Our show went very well and the crowd seemed to really enjoy our music. Especially the little lady in the front row who tapped not one but both feet to Geoff's beat for the whole set.
Beck Abbott who I had seen perform a few years ago in the GTA was brilliant and was accompanied by Ken Michelle who I had also seen play in his days with "The Dust Kickers".
After the show we headed back down tot Hamilton to crash at Geoff's for the night and we both felt like a million bucks.
Saturday Nov 5th 2011
The sun seemed to rise at around 10:00am on Saturday and I was greeted with a hot cup of coffee that Geoff had brewed for us.
I spent most of the day lazing around Geoff's before hanging out with my good friend Greg for a few hours before the show.
After my second cup of coffee with Greg it dawned on me that I had been drinking coffee all day and hadn't eaten anything. Greg graciously hooked me up with a fine peanut butter sandwich and at 5pm I headed over to meet Geoff at the FRWY.
The night was awesome! Lot's of great music and real sense of pride and love for the FRWY and what it does for the city of Hamilton. Particularly the musicians and artists of Hamilton. That place is where I had my first Hamilton gig, where I met my good friend Geoff Laforet and where we released "Every Time You Smile" so it has a special place in my heart. It also has live music every Friday night and is a great place to hear an artist play as well as meet them.
Myles, Nate, Drew, Lindsay, Hannah, Hilary, and Hilary all came to hear us play and after watching a few other artists we headed out to Crabby Joe's for some pub crawl.
It was so good to spend some time with some dudes that have meant so much to me for the last five years. They are a really sweet group of people and I'm so happy to have them as friends.
Sunday Nov 6, 2011
It was nice to sleep in a bit and spend a lazy afternoon with my dear friends Curtis and Tara and their new baby boy Theo. They are truly special people and we enjoyed a walk to the park, homemade cookies and some left over halloween treats.
Off to bed at 9:45pm...
Monday Nov 7, 2011
This morning I woke up and spent the day with my daughter who is home for school sick.
We went to Long and McQuade's to get some guitar strings and are enjoying a quiet afternoon of reading and blogging.
All in all, it was a great weekend. Geoff is an absolute treat to play music and hang out with. We are planning to make lots more great music together and play lots of gigs.
It's the Monday after that allows me to slow down, put it all into perspective and have a real sense of thankfulness for all that I have experienced in that past few days.